- lust
- 欲望: desire; wish; lust
- 贪欲: belly; greedinessrapacity; heit een; lust; pot of avarice; rapacity
- 欲望: desire; wish; lust 激起某人对 ... 的欲望 inflame sb.'s desire for ...; 充满欲望 be filled with lust; 抑制 ... 的欲望 resist [curb] the desire to ...; 满足某人的欲望 satisfy sb.'s desire; 受欲望驱使 be stung with desire; 人们的欲望不该过分。 the lust of men must not be overdone. 他们的扩张欲望有增无减。 their desire for expansion has increased
- 受贪欲: be motivated by greed fear love etc
- 贪欲的: concupiscentrapacious; greedy; lustful; rapacious
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